Biome Her Probiotic 30 caps
Activated Probiotics
- To help maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome.
- Maintains a healthy vaginal microbiome with strains native to this environment.
- Clinically trialled probiotic strains.
- Guaranteed potency.
Unlike the gut microbiota, a healthy vaginal microbiome (VMB) is characterised by low diversity of microorganisms and Lactobacilli dominance. Lactobacilli are necessary for the production of lactic acid to help maintain optimal vaginal pH (3.5-4.5) and deter the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Particular species of Lactobacilli protect against vaginal infections by producing lactic acid and antimicrobial metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide, competing for nutrients and adhesion sites, and promoting a healthy vaginal mucosal barrier. Across different women, there are five recognised vaginal microbial community state types (CSTs) characterised by the abundance of specific Lactobacilli species, including Lactobacillus crispatus (CST-I), L. gasseri (CST-II), L.iners (CST-III) and L. jensenii (CST-V). The fourth subtype (CST-IV) is characterised by a greater diversity of non-Lactobacilli microorganisms, which may be healthy in some ethnic groups or represent a dysbiotic vaginal microbiome. Although individual variations occur, L. crispatus is widely regarded as the best marker for vaginal microbiome health largely due to its proficiency in producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide.