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Mushrooms For More Than Immunity

Medicinal mushrooms seem to be at the forefront of natural medicine research and a hot trendy topic on social media. In particular, there is a focus on immune support, however, these amazing little fungi can do a whole lot more than that.  One key benefit is helping the nervous system adapt to stress, which can have a flow on effect to mood and healthy hormone balance.

Hormonal imbalances and mood disorders often go hand in hand and can occur in all stages of life.  Each one can start independently from a variety of causes, however, both will end up being interconnected, if not dealt with in the short term.   The negative effects of unmanaged stress and sex hormone chaos can lead to sleep & digestive disturbances, headaches, migraines, period problems, fertility issues, skin changes and much more.

Our hormones and neurotransmitters play a delicate dance, changing through our life but also most importantly throughout the day and month.  They are easily jolted by such influences as diet, genetics, environment, pharmaceuticals, supplements and stress.

It’s important to recognise some of the early signs and symptoms of imbalance:

The Night Owl

Some people pride themselves on being a night owl and burning the candles at both ends, but this is quite often chronic elevated cortisol – the main stress hormone you produce in your adrenal glands.  This also can be occurring in sleep onset insomnia.  Cortisol should be at its highest in the morning so you can set off into the day with energy.  At night is should taper down, so you can chill and drift off to sleep.  Elevated cortisol that is left unchecked over a long period of time, can lead to the adrenal exhaustion.

The Sweet or Salty Fix

Cravings for salty or sweet snack foods is another tell-tale sign you are under stress, and although they are a quick pick me up, they can throw you out of balance long term.  Choosing snacks which quality protein, good fat and low glycaemic carbs will not only stabilise the blood sugar for longer but will also replenish nutrients the body needs to cope with stress.

Caffeine Addiction

A caffeine addiction whether it’s coming from coffee or energy drinks is sometimes what is required for a fatigued person to get through the day.  Coffee is not an issue if it is consumed in moderation, but it’s important to recognise an issue if it is used as the “every day pick me up”.  Caffeine in some people can play havoc with hormones and affect such conditions as fibrocystic breast disease. 

Counter-Stress Options

There are a lot of things to help with stress from relaxation techniques, exercise, vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, B vitamins, zinc and Vitamin D.  And of course, herbal medicine has a number of gentle nervine tonics  and adaptogens to assist.   But we are going to focus on those fungi we spoke about in the intro.  And guess what, we can even make a hot drink out of them to substitute coffee!

Three of my favourite mushrooms for stress are Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps. 

Reishi (Ganoderma lingzhi) is sometimes referred to as the longevity mushroom.  According to ancient Chinese texts healers believed that the reishi mushroom had potent anti-aging properties, and it has long been used as a talisman of luck, healing, and wellness in Chinese culture. Reishi mushrooms function as adaptogens by lowering cortisol levels, which help fight chronic stress and fatigue.

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is getting well known for its nootropic effects and support for brain and cognition.  Research shows that it may protect nerves from degeneration, and help calm inflammation which can affect mood.

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is renowned for its effect on stamina and endurance in athletes.  This also has a long history in traditional Chinese Medicine as a lung and kidney tonic and used for enhancing vitality.  It grows in high-altitude environments like in the mountains of Tibet, Nepal and China. Cordyceps militaris is the cultivated species of Cordyceps and is predominantly supplied commercially, due to the high price tag of wild grown Cordyceps sinensis.  Just like Reishi, cordyceps also helps to lower chronically elevated cortisol, thus having an overall effect on reducing the effects of stress.

Quality Assurance

It is important to know what you are buying and taking when it comes to mushrooms.  Mushrooms have a long history of traditional use, and it is best to buy extracts that are manufactured using the traditional methods of extraction. 

What to look for:

·       Beta-glucans levels guaranteed.

·       Zero grain or starch fillers.

·       Fruiting body as the main ingredient, no myceliated grain alternatives.

At Revive Wellness only certified organic therapeutic quality medicinal mushroom brands are stocked and recommended.   These are scientifically verified for active compounds by a third-party lab. Please enquire for more information.  If you are going to invest in your health, make sure you’re investing in quality.


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