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How to fast forward wrinkles...

There comes a time when the reflection you see in the mirror or on that selfie isn’t what it was when your skin was elastic, youthful and vibrant.  Some say these lines tell a lifetime story, whether sad or happy, but for some people they just want to slow down the progression of a railway crossing developing across their face.  The desire to get those wrinkles creased out with cosmetic options including Botox and collagen fillers is very fashionable but not so natural, is a temporary fix, and not affordable for everyone.

Of course, beauty comes from within, so the theory that you are what you eat also rings true when it comes to the health of your skin.  So, let’s talk about the wrinkle accelerations first, as there is no point in continuing to speed up aging from lifestyle choices, while plastering on “anti-aging hope” from the outside. 

Number 1: Sugar!  Yes, this sweet little thing is just as sticky on the cells as of our body as it is on candy floss.  Advanced glycation end products or AGEs for short like to stick on to our skin cells and make a criss cross pattern on your face over time. 

Number 2: Stress!  Not just frown lines with stress, but a systemic effect in the body affecting hormones, neurotransmitters and even your ability to handle excess sugar in the body. 

Number 3: Diet in general.  An acidic diet full of simple carbohydrates (white everything), seed oils, processed and low in colourful fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, good protein sources will show on your face. 

Number 4: Excess sun exposure. We all know that one.  Don’t avoid it all together though as we need our Vitamin D!

Number 5:  Dehydration will affect skin elasticity as moisture levels in your skin are important to maintain plumpness.

So, get the diet and lifestyle choices right first, and then invest in some external gems that nature has provided to help your skin repair by providing nutrients, antioxidants and anti-aging plant extracts.

When choosing skincare don’t be fooled by clever marketing which makes you believe it is natural, however, when you closely look at the ingredients there are a lot of big words and numbers.  Ideally you want to avoid PEGs (polyethylene glycols), methyl and propyl parabens, phthalates (artificial perfumes) and artificial colours.  Many of these are known as endocrine disruptors which affect hormones in the body and sorry to say will not help your skin long term.

Simple is best, so go for a small number of ingredients and look for a skin cream or oil that is as close to nature as possible.

At Revive Wellness there are some star ingredients that can be mixed into an individualised face creams made to suit your skin type and your favourite scents.

Utilising a base cream certified organic therapeutic plant oils, essential oils and chosen nutrients are added to create a nourishing face cream. 

The beauty (literally) of using essential oils in the mix is the therapeutic effects are highlighted by the beautiful scents.  These smells are uplifting to the mind, and not only have a local effect, but also through the olfactory (smelling) pathways, they can increase the feel-good brain chemicals at the same time.  Now that effect you won’t get from artificial scented beauty creams!

Revive Wellness also offers Cosmodic Scenar and Photobiomodulation (low level laser) to enhance and support collagen repair and circulation to the skin.

Book an appointment with Revive Wellness if you are wanting to discuss any skin condition that is affecting your health.  Dietary changes, plant medicine and the right nutrients may support the body to heal.


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